
Sunday 9 November 2014

My Imagination My Soul

With these beautiful moments and a healthy smile, with all the love and sweetness to shine, with merrymaking desires and a whole world to glory the glittering divine, here is something that is ought to define, for words might just fall too very low, its an happy aura around, for feelings can't be ever expressed, it can just be felt and worth a wine. 

The days which flow over the time, passing by the moments, all day and the amazing nights, I take a bow down, for what you are, is just worth a million miles. The rhyme my work shows isn't enough to share and explicit to what I feel currently but yes, they do glamour the happiness which shall not be taken away for atleast a while.

It's scary, it's exceptional and has taken place within for around quite a time after, this feeling, a happy one is ours and shall stay forever for I promise to myself for holding on and never letting it go throughout the time that I am alive.

For when I talk about that positivity where love is bound, it's not my belief but only that I believe, for who is mine shall forever stay mine. I have had a million nightmares that attracted me towards my imaginative soul who shares life and exchanges what is only bound to personify.

It engraves the craving desire that I have for my soul to walk hands in hand, over the time for the clock goes around and the hands dont feel the pain bizzare. This is what I have within for my soul isn't pure but becomes a bliss when it meets you down on the shore, where the dawn perhaps utter the merry smiles.

How can someone not feel related or cheerfully connected if the compatibility is radiated throughout the twin souls that are counted as being one and forever united? Is it me or is it the only me who can talk about love and satisfy of being a person full of flodded heart? It can never be like that for love needs to be shared and grow like an apple tree that is sweeter and tangy over different times. 

This place is way too far where we might build our small pit and share life together for my hut bears the fruits of tickels and smiles throughout of a healthy time. There has to be a sparkling light that ignites my heart and yours at the same time for when love prevails, it becomes boundless and sees no boundaries and desires of staying close and cozy over every single time.

Yes, I feel loved, a person cared and humble over the time for when there comes your name, my eyes just shines up and the lips curve over for a while and hence becomes eternal over the time. Opening up over a complete while for what I think makes me complete is a person whom I think for over the time and everytime.

Now, when this person is beautifully defined, this imagination should be going around through my mind into a goosebumping reality where she becomes magnified over being highly personified. 

The love is magnificent and the enigmatic lust that it craves shall not be dimming over and has to stay for love should only grow as it is the only feeling that is not diminished and compromising, it's something that is within, it's something that has the world of it's own and is something that could just lit you up with a flash of her light. 

For when spoken everything that was way too flattery, I really hope that these words shall not meet the prey, it should meet for what it's been said for and that imagination could come alive for it's time where two souls can meet and echo the world of Love forever, now its life that makes this mingle, cute to smile and goes till eternity for words are just too less for it to be defined.

Friday 5 September 2014


Someone just asked me sometime ago, Do you like keep smiling always and never get pissed? Never get angry? Never get disappointed? Never ever become sad? Well, I would wish that I could have given an answer. An answer that would unbind all my internal self, all the miseries and the pains within, everything that made me die a million deaths and being like a living dead. I did choose not to answer and henceforth maintain the wisdom of my own realm but internally I got broke again, not because I didn't answer but because the soul was still left impounded and a mere lonely self internally.

Well, when you correlate with such a situation, you would quite get numb and more sad over the horrible situation. But hardly do the world cares, neither does the one's close by. Rather than pre accepting the fact of Infinite happiness, a humble sitting around and talking while walking over the pains might burn down the deep woundy scars.

So, yes dripping down the fact again, What makes a person hide down his pains and search for a new life, an another individual, a group of friends or a person to love by and rather search the humbleness in the immortals to live a happy life for the years to pass by? Does the history of life makes a person that weak that it leads to the deterioration of the soul, the human body and the complete inner self?

Yes, this is how the life is all about, the pain that the pains give shatter all the flattery that god pertains, disables the happy enzymes and makes the person impassioned.

This is a difficult situation, I once held myself to the one quite close by. I found myself in a no man's land. There were people who left down the wrong way, there were more failures than successes and morever the heart cried and the tears got perhaps freezed. It left me numb, a person whose heart and the self was broken badly for all his kindness and humbleness, the love and the care, the deeds and the craziness were worth a penny and still happy to know perhaps the mindset of people changing and experiencing various phases of life.

What should have been done? Moving on? Planning your future? Making better quality people who are worth a part of life? Or living life on the personal self into a whole world made from the efforts and intellect of his own? Well, any way that suits you good should have perhaps been accepted and practised faithfully.

On the path where you have once been demolised is hence an easy way. You know your negativities and also the phases which are hard to pass through. I did accept one. Everyone does, who have once been on a sorrowful history of the past.

It was chosen to move on, it was chosen to make or rather start a new buzzing fresh life, making worthy people the part and respecting the people who are meant to sustain over the lifetime. It lead to climbing ladders, one to another.

For once everything started shooting good and the fortunes returned. As said, there had to be a choice to either freeze the past or to defrost it to a new beginning into a new era.

It perhaps bloomed and the sun rose. The light glorified and the cliffs was again visible from the ocean. It sent a hope sticker and the heart flowed in with new fresh blood. The veins responded and hence the smile recieved showers of happiness again.

Concluding to the enigmatic life that the eternal mighty has created, it would rather be efficient to smile through the tears and smoke the sorrows out the door. Believing In the self and being along with worthy people is what is required.

A broken heart perhaps become strong for further attacks, an individual with mental and emotional stability can kick off everything that makes the bad vibes arise and lastly to the more, letting the soul outshine the beauty would make the humanity rise to eternity and hence take him to higher cliffs with worthy people and strong self to hide the crievices within and make life look extravagant.

Thursday 10 July 2014

The Magic Lies Within You

Looking through the stars, having a glimpse of a falling one or rather feeling loved, it all begins with a strong belief of a magical divine experience of shading the self and feeling happy.

Life of an individual is an experience of it's own which not only teaches the strength to fight the ordeals, it also enhances an inner magician within the soul to deal everything that falls upon in a whole new distinctive way.

Relating to the very own life, from childhood and the days of birth to the present time, the inner me has developed magical sciences to fight for everything that comes in my way to achieve what I wish to, dream which is never dreamt and rise above all. 

Are these all not the tricks of a magician? Is our life not next to being a divine magic of its own? Are the individuals created by god not magicians? Yes, the answer is known to the masses and the self.
A person can achieve what he wishes to, can swim the depths, can climb the mountains and can sustain life. 

It all narrows down to quote ''the magic lies within you'' and you can be the best Magician. This magic, however, isn't illusionary. Life isn't imaginative, it's the reality. The game of life is well played when the soul shapes itself to be a magician and strategies to win the races and solemn the unseen.

The ambience of the globe, the creator and the nature that extends from beaches to the mountain peaks, human plays a vital role in exhilarating itself to the various domains. Acceptable realities and performed roles of a one to many individual is a magic of its own. Development from a foot to a 6 feet tall is not an easy task. It requires some hardcore phases of life from being a child to an adult and then an old man.

Magic isn't over until the show ends, life will not get over before facing the impactable phases. Inclining to all these facts, life is a magic in its own and the creator the host while humans a mere observer. They applaud for the brave and shoots for the pity.

Play the best game of your life and provide the best show. Remember, there is no end to a sentence without a full stop, similarly, there is no end to life without meeting a purpose. Enlighten your inner magic to die a purposeful death.

Concluding to the mightiest brave self is like contributing an inch to humanity and miles to the path of life. Take a new path to walk by and leave a trail. The best shot of life is only given through a pure soul that magicates the humanity and lives for other. Devote love and the journey outshines. 

The magic only rests in peace within you. Enhance the inner glory and gradually radiate the gracious soul to admire the beauty and feel respected.

Remember to live for others and shower the inner magic, not to win the hearts but to thank the mightiest allmighty for creating yourself, shading the realities and hence the present.

Life is magical of its own, The Magic Lies Within You.’’

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Flavours of Life Reign

Junctures of the mankind and the available humanity picturesque the verity of various adversities and miseries associated with life. Though life is a process where a soul gets taught mentally and emotionally, it’s a journey of acceptance, mistreat and a bunch of realities.
Running through the cages and across the bars of an unstoppable anguish of attaining the best of the flavours, life showers on the soulful bread, people come across goods and the bads, rights and the wrongs, miseries and the happiness, clouds and an open sky. Terming them to be the phases of life, one feels content sometimes and contempt the other way around. Basically, the journey of life teaches a person in a pack of four folded ways along with opening the eyes of reality.
From birth till death, coming across tons of junctures termed as phases, lets a person know the real life and the associated gems of glory and darkness. With an ongoing process of learning, the heart which a soul carries often gets buried deep inside while dealing with the times of happiness and complete miseries. Both times don’t stay for long, but the effect it leads on the degrading soul and shallowing heart is throughout the life. 
The aura of life, provides an essence that creates eternal ambience all over the gratified place. Being into a world that constantly changes and stops for none, the acceptable realities buries a person deep into the ground and leaves a place for none to stay. Ambievering to the lifeline and protruding the  death of a dying soul, one doesn't need to bury the internal feeling, yet has to accept the realities over the junction and make a move to life a long life and continue on the path to set a trail.
Animosity and acrimony are generally felt during the course of the ongoing path of life when one feels contempt. It can be an age of falling lovestruck, or a failure at a tenure stage, even can be the inability to achieve the set aim or can be the loss of a loved one. All of these adversities break a person's inner self and diggs a hole in the mere heart. 
What affects a person the most is the morality and the associated love. Heart beats on the music of love and cries over the emotions being dumped. It smiles over the feeling of togetherness and eternal moral being while becomes numb over separation. Heart is the controller and also a game inhibitor. It plays the role of divinity and can henceforth become a home for a devil.
If love or a feeling of being loved affects so much to a person's inner self than why is so much of hatred all around? Why one person can't be attached to many and the many to the one? Why we always choose if there was only one creator? Why a feeling of contempt is gratified all over when a person conveys love to the other soul? Why the eyes that speak the truth turns down to a story for realities to ground there way? Why is it that some stays alone forever while the others a happy life personalised fully? Is it the destiny or is it our soul that lusts for being satisfied and loved?
The first flavour that a person tastes when soul is brought up in this world is the love and care. If heaven has decided the optimum place for love, who are we mere humans to make choices to radiate love, accept for some and reject for none. Yes, it's been agreed that devilish forces exist that are meant to be destroyed, but hatred and ignorance are not the correct ways, love outshines the glory of sun and uncovers the deepest scars, if love is given to the defined devils, they might change into the one ever dreamt off.
Love is universal and every single soul present alive wishes for the same. A person alone needs togetherness, a person deprived of love requires a rush of blood for the sake of love while a person dying requires love so as to wish to live for another second. It's divine, it’s created and never destroyed, its love.
There are stages in life that drives a person and makes him attached to a soul from a different womb. Love has no boundaries and no rides of bull. When it happens, it just happens. It can be a right choose or can even be a nightmare if the opposite soul doesn't feel the same. It can offer times of eternal happiness or can show what the term reality is all about. Staying numb or feeling love, both requires an elixir to run the life, its happiness, its love.
Knowing the fact that life is an ongoing process which stops for none, agreeing to the realities and hence the verity of the junctures one needs to realise that there is always a purpose associated with life and dying an unpurposeful reign is a sheer waste to the human mankind. Everything happens for a reason and the life is planned according to the holly divine almighty, he can harm none and teach everyone. Believing in yourself and holding your arms tight can lead you to a place where the soul is respected both morally and emotionally.
If rejected hope for an acceptance, if dishonoured hope for being honoured, if failed work till your death for winning, if buried with love hope for love to drawn your way and in all if you are dissatisfied, uncover the treasures and let the feeling of content intersect your way. On days of bright sunlight, there will be shadows created to protect your skin, on days of hardship you will be supported and on reigns lost there will be another Kingdom waiting to see a new emperor. 
On the course of life, there will always be another soul to protect you from the rest, if love is not encountered in the present, future will be full of love. If dreams are shattered, bigger dreams will come true. Remember, not to get stopped with the breakers, stand up to fight against them and make life bliss.
Acceptance of the realities is must to honour the eternity, the atmosphere present will cover your soul and the air will blow away the shoes of pain. Being on a course dignified as life, never stop over the stones and create a milestone for the generations ahead. Being humble and loving everyone is henceforth required, carrying a big heart and forgiving the mistakes is a holly job.
The sip of teas and the taste of coffee is a part and parcel, sugar is an inhibitor while salt a mandatory tincture. Tasting different flavours of life is a must and dying after meeting a purpose is a lifetime job.

Saturday 21 June 2014

The Power of Peace

Tranquillity within the mind, calm that discovers the realm, harmony that out shines in the glory of the almighty, protrudingly defined as the power of peace, the aura of self ambieverance and the beautiful ambience in the world of own inner self, creates happiness outrageously and brings content to the eternal soul.
Lords of the universe, mightiest of the mighty, the creator, well settled at a place, high above the regular commotion where the treaty of peace outshines over their infinite kingdom. The humanity finds a corner of calm along the inner boundaries of the heart as the sole thread to all the adversities and common mishapenings to cure it in such a way that is immortal in its own.
Why does a person look for happiness? Why does it stay for a short duration until feeling contempt? Why this dissatisfaction creates a commotion and a complete aura of stress and tension? Well, from the four folded corners of the globe, peace is the creator while agitation a mass destructor. Contempt and content go along the handy gap of peace and agitation. Everything soully is co-related. Finding peace and keeping it well within the soul's safe is a pre-required essential to meet the divine spirit.
Being said about the extensive aura of peace, the realm of the planet, the home of the creator and the lives under humanity sustains various acrobats of the journey termed as life. As death of an individual is pre-decided, fearing death is the most common disaster. It let's you to knock down the doors of peace and ring the bells of distress. That's how you welcome adversities, that's how the cheerfulness of lives turn into stress and anxiety. This has such a bright enigma that not only puts sunshine at a hault but also cause flooding in the eyes who finds himself caught in this regime of awfulness. It should henceforth, not only be avoided but also taken a set care to unbind the truths of life.
In conjecture with the various wars that took place thousands of years ago, a similarity to all among them was distress, anxiety, falseness and all the destructive curiosities. All resulted in the wins of the true, the realm of the one's with peace was protected and the God supported the brave. As written in mythology, Geeta and Quran, the term 'Shanti' which means peace is stressed to win the battles and Conquest over the desires. The one's with patience, a complete calm and the deals with peace are shining among the stars. Written in Gold, Power of peace is forever eternal.
Bringing home to reality, an individual, a common human being always aim to be the best among all, works outrageously to win the battles of the self to shine like platinum among a bunch of million other fellow beings. Still achieving all the glory, the inner self of the person wishes for a sound sleep, an aura of peace and an infinite calm that produces eternal happiness to the soul. Why does that happen? Why after achieving or in the process of meeting the divine spirit, a person wishes for peace within the inner self? Why does a feeling of contempt fall upon him if the stones of peace are not shed upon his heart in the rat race of life? This question is created only to realise the power of tranquillity and the answer to the question remains deeply buried around the corners of heart.
Success creates home for self confidence but a feeling of content comes within only when the soul is forever supported by the aura of peace and a complete calm.
The Brain and the heart of a human, connected with the nerves, rushes through the blood, lives are protected and buries to the soil, a process that is equalised to a cycle and continues to repeat itself, conditioning it with the oils of peace and hush, nourishes the soul and makes life bliss.
Flowers blossom, the sun shines and the moon procures the light, all around the ambience is a merryfull life to experience the tastes and flavours of the sweet bitterish yet tincturey regime.
The enigma of the creator and the ultimate hope to reach the divinity creates space for the heart to flow in the direction of the wind. Holding on nerves, burring the self and maintenance of a complete calm over desires and ambition, love for the own and the entire humanity, respect to the nature and honouring the creator, might lead you to a place where life meets the heaven and God sees the brave.
Power of Peace is eternal, synonym to the realm of God, the spirit of it's own and a life place for the creator.

Friday 20 June 2014

Eyes of Love

A feeling of chromatising insanity, ferocious responsibility, eternal acrobaticity, self-broad defined poetry, it's been called as a four word abbreviation, it's protruded as LOVE.
For the mortals and the immortals, the mighty and the lay man, for the rich and the poor, for the haves and the have-nots, love is one such drug that addicts without being seen the aforeseen, without being judged and across the boundaries of the common eyes.
Love is a feeling that is not perhaps given but henceforth accepted. It merely imparts in a person a vision to see the good’s and the bad’s of the opposite soul. The soul called for, can be anyone who feels that the self is co-related across the boundaries of a bridge that connects horizon to eternity. It can be felt for a person, blood related or even for a person met during the reign of the lifetime. It can be felt for even a friend or a person whom you spend your lifetime with. Love is one such medicine that heals the deepest of the wounds upon just a simple buttery application.
It's not always given, a human requires love too. There shouldn't be a deficiency, else it creates space for a devil to plant its home. A person who is loved shares love, a soul which shares love is gifted love.
It's always on the beeds of your heart to procrastinate love and hence bring humanity to a die heart situation. Taste buds require all the essence to experience life, similarly every human soul requires love, be it a beggar or a multi-billionaire. Differentiation of the amount of love can destroy the masses, create places for thievery, poverty, terrorism and other breath taking activities. Making a point and loving the lined should be knotted upon. Loving someone soully is much more important than loving someone out of the amount of money it sustains, or the metric level of beauty that glamour around the masses or out of a certain graduation of human meanic nature.
Craving desire of unidentified love, imparts a living ambition in a dying soul. Lives are saved, dead’s are given a soul only with a sweet desire of falling love. Scarcity ignites the blood and leaves it just with a spark, hence cold, pale and yet to die an early death.
Life is just a path created by god to love humanity, cherish the nature, love the self and achieve knowledge for optimum success before a soul departs. It's better to take a new path of life with a new blonde thinking and set a trail. No one ever fails, the failure teaches a person to win, desires impart the ambition to achieve, aims moralises the soul to attain the affirm level while love imparts an overall internal support morally and emotionally.
It's like tea added to sugar, salt to the bread or oil to your body. Love nourishes and prevents heart to malnutritionalise. There is neither any expenditure involved nor any saving. It's just a feeling that imparts a moral astonishing support that says to the self, well if something happens, be it good or bad, ''I am there for you.'' It's not always said between the two, well it's that drug which is merely accepted and felt felicitatedy.
Life would be a complete nightmare without love. Our body has sense organs to feel, heart has only one organ, its eternal and always internal, it's only Love. It is one such bridge that connects without being seen, it's one such breed that never existed and won't ever exist. It's not another human but a soul that is forever present in the ambience of the nature and ascertains life and makes it bliss.
The mighty created just one soul, which had 4 eyes, 4 hands and 4 legs, a heart and 2 brains. Fearing the enormous power, it left the muddy body out two and left the one for the search for the other.
Soul never departs and humanity is forever protected by the powers of the divinity. God should hence be respected, souls alive should be loved and life should be led in a way that let's one reach the henceforth decisive planet, the God's endeavour and a home for the lots.