
Friday 5 September 2014


Someone just asked me sometime ago, Do you like keep smiling always and never get pissed? Never get angry? Never get disappointed? Never ever become sad? Well, I would wish that I could have given an answer. An answer that would unbind all my internal self, all the miseries and the pains within, everything that made me die a million deaths and being like a living dead. I did choose not to answer and henceforth maintain the wisdom of my own realm but internally I got broke again, not because I didn't answer but because the soul was still left impounded and a mere lonely self internally.

Well, when you correlate with such a situation, you would quite get numb and more sad over the horrible situation. But hardly do the world cares, neither does the one's close by. Rather than pre accepting the fact of Infinite happiness, a humble sitting around and talking while walking over the pains might burn down the deep woundy scars.

So, yes dripping down the fact again, What makes a person hide down his pains and search for a new life, an another individual, a group of friends or a person to love by and rather search the humbleness in the immortals to live a happy life for the years to pass by? Does the history of life makes a person that weak that it leads to the deterioration of the soul, the human body and the complete inner self?

Yes, this is how the life is all about, the pain that the pains give shatter all the flattery that god pertains, disables the happy enzymes and makes the person impassioned.

This is a difficult situation, I once held myself to the one quite close by. I found myself in a no man's land. There were people who left down the wrong way, there were more failures than successes and morever the heart cried and the tears got perhaps freezed. It left me numb, a person whose heart and the self was broken badly for all his kindness and humbleness, the love and the care, the deeds and the craziness were worth a penny and still happy to know perhaps the mindset of people changing and experiencing various phases of life.

What should have been done? Moving on? Planning your future? Making better quality people who are worth a part of life? Or living life on the personal self into a whole world made from the efforts and intellect of his own? Well, any way that suits you good should have perhaps been accepted and practised faithfully.

On the path where you have once been demolised is hence an easy way. You know your negativities and also the phases which are hard to pass through. I did accept one. Everyone does, who have once been on a sorrowful history of the past.

It was chosen to move on, it was chosen to make or rather start a new buzzing fresh life, making worthy people the part and respecting the people who are meant to sustain over the lifetime. It lead to climbing ladders, one to another.

For once everything started shooting good and the fortunes returned. As said, there had to be a choice to either freeze the past or to defrost it to a new beginning into a new era.

It perhaps bloomed and the sun rose. The light glorified and the cliffs was again visible from the ocean. It sent a hope sticker and the heart flowed in with new fresh blood. The veins responded and hence the smile recieved showers of happiness again.

Concluding to the enigmatic life that the eternal mighty has created, it would rather be efficient to smile through the tears and smoke the sorrows out the door. Believing In the self and being along with worthy people is what is required.

A broken heart perhaps become strong for further attacks, an individual with mental and emotional stability can kick off everything that makes the bad vibes arise and lastly to the more, letting the soul outshine the beauty would make the humanity rise to eternity and hence take him to higher cliffs with worthy people and strong self to hide the crievices within and make life look extravagant.